Rowe & Associates provides individually tailored assessments that can investigate your child's development from an emotional, behavioural, cognitive or social perspective.
We use the 'gold standard' in assessment tools and provide comprehensive feedback sessions.
The details of what is involved with each assessment may vary depending on a variety of factors including the child's age, reason for assessments and prior history.
Generally speaking an assessment at our clinic and will include the following:
A initial interview with parent/s in order to gather background information, medical and developmental history and current concerns
The administration of psychometric tests with the child in the clinic (1-2 appointments)
Child observation at preschool/ school if required
Parent feedback session to explain results and recommendations.
Contact us to discuss your needs and which assessment may be most beneficial to your child.
A developmental assessment is usually carried out on a child between 12 months and five years of age to assess their progress across a wide range of areas. It provides parents and teachers an overview of a child's strengths and weaknesses including cognitive abilities, motor skills, language and social development. A developmental assessment will typically involve interviews with parents, observations of the child and administration of standardised tests. An individual report will be able to point to any areas that may require intervention and personalised recommendations.
A cognitive assessment typically involves the administration of a standardised IQ test. This may be necessary if a child is experiencing difficulties in comparison to their peers and does not appear to be keeping up in age-expected tasks. An IQ test may also be administered in order to assess whether a child is intellectually gifted.
The IQ tests used by Rowe & Associates are:
Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 3rd Edition (WPPSI-IV) - suitable for younger children aged 2 years 6 months to 7 years 7 months.
Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children, 5th Edition (WISC-V) - suitable for older children between the ages of 6 -16.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) -suitable for older children over the age of 16 years old
Academic assessments are adminstered in order to gauge how a child is performing in comparison to their grade matched peers. An achievement test measures their academic skills across sight reading, reading comprehension, phonetic skills, mathematics, spelling, oral and written language. An assessment like this may then be used in conjunction with an IQ test in order to discover information regarding:
Specific Learning Disorders such as a Reading Disorder (or Dyslexia)
If a child is underperfoming in comparison to their intelligence and potential
Strengths and weaknesses academically so that tutoring / intervention may be targeted
Rowe & Associates uses:
Weschler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-III)
Contact us to discuss your needs and which assessment may be most beneficial to your child.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Oppositional Defiant DIsorder (ODD)
Conduct Disorder (CD)
Autism Spectrum Disorders cover a broad range of neurodevelopmental disorders that impact on a child in many ways. These disorders are characterised by social deficits and communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviours and interests, and in some cases, cognitive and/or language delay.
An assessment to detect the presence of Autism is comprehensive and individualised. It may include some or all of the following:
Interviews with parents/ guardians
Interviews with teachers and other caregivers
Observations of the child both in our clinic and school/preschool setting
Cognitive Assessments
The administration of standardised measures such as the ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule) and ASRS (Autism Spectrum Rating Scale).